Meet the gang

Our guides

The Map’s Edge is blessed with a constellation of excellent guides. Quite a bold statement and we know it!

Your guide is the make or break of your safari, no question. A good guide will head off in the opposite direction to everyone else, to remote corners of the wilderness where a lesser guide would fear to tread; he will thrill and inspire you.

He can read the morning spoor like you can the FT, but above all, he will share with you the passion he has for East Africa, her wildlife, her wilderness areas and her peoples, as diverse as the land they live in.

You will leave as friends, already throwing around ideas for the next time. You will be saving for your next adventure the very instant you get back home. It will become a lifetime love affair with a place often wrongly miscast as ‘The Dark Continent’ – one alive with colour and beauty, with the space to which, in our busy modern lives, we yearn to escape.

To be a Map’s Edge guide, sure, you have to have a phenomenal amount of wildlife knowledge and this comes as standard, but we believe this isn’t everything. A good guide takes you on a journey where you learn about the insanely brilliant engineering of a termite mound; the best place to sip a G&T while the sun goes down; and the iridescence on a sunbird’s wing.

Guiding is about all of this.  But most of all, it’s about having fun in the bush.


The Map’s Edge is committed to improving and sustaining good guiding practices in the industry.

We were very much involved in creating the TATO Guide Code of Conduct and Ethics and we have adopted this as our Company Policy. All our guides have also signed up to the Code, which is as much about respect for the environment and the wildlife living there, as it is about best practices and standards.

When you go on safari, have a read so you can also do your part to support excellent guiding.

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Interested in booking a Safari?

Simply fill in our enquiry form and a member of the team will be in touch